Determine Who Will Ride in the Limo
Before you can choose a limousine service or the type of car you'll hire you will need to determine how many people will be riding in the limousine(s) with you and your betrothed. Most people will take their bridal parties and immediate family members, like the parents of the bride and groom. This usually automatically means you'll need two limousines - one for the bride and her party and one for the men. The parents of the bride and groom may have their own car if you choose.
Use caution when determining the number of people who will fit in each limousine. The average limo service in Delaware will give you a maximum capacity number based on the recommendations of the vehicle manufacturer but those numbers are usually based on an average weight of 150 pounds per person. Use due diligence in determining the actual number of people you believe will fit in each car.
Visit Limousine Companies in Person
Visit each of the Delaware limousine services you are interested in person. You should start this process anywhere from 4-8 months before your wedding - the sooner the better. Set aside a morning to visit a series of limousine companies so that you can see all of their cars in person. Some companies sound better in print than they look in person.
Ask to see the exact cars you are interested and inspect both the exterior and interior. Standard Lincoln limousines are rather cut and dry in design but older Rolls Royce limousines are now difficult to repair. If it looks like it is in bad shape, it likely won't get any better before your wedding day.
Ask about the Company's Business Practices
Believe it or not, it is standard practice for a limousine company to sign a contract and then farm its work out to a second limo company for your special day. Clearly ask your limousine representative about their practices. Get the name and address of the other company if you are told your business may be subcontracted. Visit that limo company and make sure you are just as happy with what you see as you were with the first group. If not, don't book.
Get a Clear Contract
Make sure you have a clear, written contract and read it carefully before you leave a deposit with any limo service in Delaware. Your contract should clearly state exactly what model limousines you will have, exactly how long you'll have them, and exactly what limousine package you have chosen. The contract should also clearly state how much you will have to pay if you keep the limousine overtime. It should detail the amount of your deposit and the payment plan you have agreed upon as well.
An honest business will give you a contract without hesitation. Shy away from companies who try to make verbal contracts without putting the details on paper. There is no guarantee they'll get you to the church on time.
Last but not least, call a week or so before your wedding to confirm all of the details one last time. Print directions to your wedding venue so that there is no chance of your Delaware limo service driver getting lost. Then sit back, pop open the bottle of bubbly, and enjoy the ride. You're going to have an amazing wedding day!